Alsace - Part II
The backpack. Yes, it is annoying and boring but it had to be done at some point. The problem is that we were feeling a little bit miserable from the cocktail of shots that we took the day before, so Angie slept during most of the day while I read about Indonesia. When Angie woke up and we started working on the backpack, I realized how many drugs we are taking with us, we are almost a drugstore :D.
The day started early, we went for a hike in Lorraine with Rémy and the club vosgiens folks, an association of hikers. We planned to tag along only for the first half of the 20km hike and then head back home to finish the backpack work that was far from being complete.
The trail was completely covered with snow.

Around 10cm in average but up to the knee in some places due to the wind. We went into the forest, crossed some fields and went around some farms by the trails used by the farmers' tractors, all of it covered with snow.

We walked the whole morning, from 8 to 12pm, in a freezing wind. Some training for our next adventures probably...

In the afternoon we received a visit of a special boy, Alexandre, 6 years old, that took us to sled down the nearest hill (a five-minute walk from Angie's place), where Angelique also used to sled as a child. There, I found out that to go down the hill there is no age limit. Indeed, everybody becomes a little kid with no worries and sleds down the hill with a lot of fun. And again the day went by and the backpack was still not done. :D

Monday was another full day, visiting relatives and friends , having a lot of good food, and again our backpack preparation did not get any further.
Our last day was again full of visits to say goodbye to everybody followed by a champagne and wine diner.
For those who know Angelique, even for this trip, there was no exception. She started worrying about her backpack at 9pm, the night before the big departure, whereas my backpack was already full and closed. We finally finished everything at 1:30am and set up the alarm clock for a few hours later, 5am!
If you have followed our month in France, you have surely noticed that we kept talking about food. But note that we only mentioned a few meals. The missing days on our blog are days that we simply spent eating and drinking with Angie's friends and relatives. It was delicious and we had a great time, but now it is time to leave. We both accumulated enough fat reserves for the starving times...
The backpack. Yes, it is annoying and boring but it had to be done at some point. The problem is that we were feeling a little bit miserable from the cocktail of shots that we took the day before, so Angie slept during most of the day while I read about Indonesia. When Angie woke up and we started working on the backpack, I realized how many drugs we are taking with us, we are almost a drugstore :D.
The day started early, we went for a hike in Lorraine with Rémy and the club vosgiens folks, an association of hikers. We planned to tag along only for the first half of the 20km hike and then head back home to finish the backpack work that was far from being complete.
The trail was completely covered with snow.

Around 10cm in average but up to the knee in some places due to the wind. We went into the forest, crossed some fields and went around some farms by the trails used by the farmers' tractors, all of it covered with snow.

We walked the whole morning, from 8 to 12pm, in a freezing wind. Some training for our next adventures probably...

In the afternoon we received a visit of a special boy, Alexandre, 6 years old, that took us to sled down the nearest hill (a five-minute walk from Angie's place), where Angelique also used to sled as a child. There, I found out that to go down the hill there is no age limit. Indeed, everybody becomes a little kid with no worries and sleds down the hill with a lot of fun. And again the day went by and the backpack was still not done. :D

Monday was another full day, visiting relatives and friends , having a lot of good food, and again our backpack preparation did not get any further.
Our last day was again full of visits to say goodbye to everybody followed by a champagne and wine diner.
For those who know Angelique, even for this trip, there was no exception. She started worrying about her backpack at 9pm, the night before the big departure, whereas my backpack was already full and closed. We finally finished everything at 1:30am and set up the alarm clock for a few hours later, 5am!
If you have followed our month in France, you have surely noticed that we kept talking about food. But note that we only mentioned a few meals. The missing days on our blog are days that we simply spent eating and drinking with Angie's friends and relatives. It was delicious and we had a great time, but now it is time to leave. We both accumulated enough fat reserves for the starving times...
allez, je commence en français: salut tous les deux. C'est vrai qu'il y a eu pas mal de neige cet hiver. Maintenant le printemps est là. Et là où vous êtes, il fait quel temps ?
The whole family sends you best wishes for the next steps. We think about you ! famille Janus
en ce moment nous sommes au Nepal ou il fait tres bon, environ 25 degres. En hauteur il fera un peu plus frais mais quand on marche, ca va...
a bientot.
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